Sunday, February 21, 2010

Another innocent victim of NuLiebor

Dear Reader, I want you to use your imagination as you read the story below. Firstly image the kind of horrific injuries a SLEDGE HAMMER causes to a fragile human skull. Imagine the sickening pain a solid blow to the head causes. Imagine the terror and the abuse this poor must have suffered in his last few moments of life. Image his lifeless body lying in a puddle of it's own blood. Imagine the grief and shock his family must be feeling tonight.

Now try and imagine you personally going into that shop armed with a sledge hammer and smashing the owners head into pieces for a few cigarettes or an armfull of booze.

Did you like most other law abiding folk find it impossible to put yourself in the shoes of the scum who did this? Well remember this-WHEN AND IF THESE SCUM ARE PUT BEFORE A COURT VIRTUALLY EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THE CASE WILL MAKE ALL SORTS OF EXCUSES AS TO WHY THE YOUTH SPLASHED AN INNOCENT MANS BRAINS ALL OVER HIS SHOPS FLOOR. I seriously doubt anyone will call them scum and their punishment will not be what scum like them deserves.

Shopkeeper killed by teenage gang
A shopkeeper has been killed in a robbery by a gang of teenagers at his store in Huddersfield.

Gurmail Singh, 63, suffered a head injury during the attack at Cowcliffe Convenience Store in Cowcliffe Hill Road, Cowcliffe, on Saturday night.

He died at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary in the early hours of the morning.

Detectives say the robbers, who were aged in their late teens, fled after a struggle with passers-by who had tried to stop them leaving the shop.

"This was a group of six people who heard a commotion at the shop and went to help," a West Yorkshire Police spokesman said.

"None of them was injured during the incident."

'Popular businessman'

The offenders, who were wearing dark hooded tops and tracksuit bottoms, escaped with a small amount of cash, cigarettes and confectionery, police said.

Det Supt David Pervin, who is leading the investigation, said: "Mr Singh was a well-known and popular local businessman who had been in this area many years.

"I appeal for anyone with information to contact us as a matter of urgency."

Mr Singh was "a family man with two adult sons", police added.

A post-mortem examination is due to take place on Monday to determine the exact cause of death.

Neighbour Ian Davison said there had been trouble at Mr Singh's shop as recently as Thursday when a group of teenagers had attempted to smash open the till.

'A lot bigger'

"Mr Singh was saying that four kids had been causing trouble," he said.

"He said he did not want to take them on because they were a lot bigger than him."

Mr Davison said there was a drugs problem in the area that was "getting out of hand".

Mr Singh's death had left the local community shocked, he added.

"He was a really popular, lovely bloke," he said. "You couldn't wish to meet a nicer bloke than Mr Singh.

"Even in the snow he was pulling his sledge up here with his grandson, making sure the papers got delivered."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another soldier dead.

When I read the tributes like the one below, paid to soldiers killed on our behalf, I can't help but think we are losing the best of this generation. For every soldier lost I bet we feed a thousand wasters who are happy as long as they get their rent (and just about everything else) paid for by the taxes we all pay.

We would be far better off if instead of dying in Afghanistan they we in Parliament defending our society from the idiots who think they have a right to travel first class and who travel first class as a way of avoiding the wasters they have helped to create.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

They mean an EU ARMY

I have seen this on the cards for a while now. Countless budget cuts and yet more work for them to do has brought us to a situation where we can no longer sustain our our defence. The EU will more and more become our Nanny.

UK 'will need defence coalitions'
UK forces are likely to operate as part of international coalitions in future conflicts, Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth has told the Commons.

Outlining a Green Paper on military reform, he said "further integration" with key allies may be needed.

It reveals no spending figures but prepares for a post-election spending review amid "real pressure" on budgets.

The Tories say ministers have put security at risk because spending must be cut to reduce the nation's debt.

"The future defence budget will have to be conducted against the backdrop of government debt of £799bn," shadow defence secretary Liam Fox said.

None of the three main parties has said they will protect the defence budget from anticipated spending cuts and all back a root and branch review of defence policy after the election - widely expected to be held in May.

“ Scrapping Trident replacement would be one very positive and popular cutback ”
Kate Hudson CND
Mr Ainsworth said the conflict in Afghanistan, which has claimed the lives of 253 UK forces personnel, remained the immediate priority.

Funding from the Treasury reserve would increase from £3.5bn to £5bn next year, he said.

However, the defence secretary told the Commons: "We certainly cannot assume that the conflicts of tomorrow, however, will replicate those of today."

The country must anticipate various threats including cyber attacks, the danger posed by failing states and conflict over dwindling stocks of natural resources, he said.

But he added: "No nation can hope to protect all aspects of national security acting alone.

"Our armed forces must be prepared if called upon to protect our interests, often in distant places, and most likely as part of a coalition of international forces."

Mr Ainsworth said the UK's most important alliance remained with the US but that it must also press EU and Nato allies to contribute more to collective defence efforts.

Among the issues the paper would examine was whether the UK should "further integrate" its forces with those of key allies, he said.

Mr Ainsworth said the "likelihood" was that the Royal Navy would still get its two planned new aircraft carriers but refused to be drawn on American-built Joint Strike Fighters intended to fly from them.

The paper also raises the prospect of an end to three separate forces, with the Army and Air Force the most likely candidates for merger, according to BBC defence correspondent Caroline Wyatt.

Mr Ainsworth told the BBC he did not envisage "major structural change" but added: "Not allowing single service interests to stand in the way of efficient delivery of security to the nation is something we have to look at."

The head of the Armed Forces, Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup, insisted the retention of three services was "plausible".

He said he recognised the nation was "in very difficult economic and financial circumstances".

"Equally, though, the first duty of any government is to provide for the security of its citizens," he said.

"Come what may... the nation has to make an adequate investment in this. What adequate means is something that we do have to consider."

Gen Sir Mike Jackson, former head of the British army, told the BBC that Britain must decide its future role on the global stage before spending decisions were taken.

"I very much hope we will not rush to quick decision about this or that ship, this or that capability on land or air, but actually go through a rigorous intellectual process from which we can make decisions. Only then can we say 'can we afford [them]?'," he said.

Professor Michael Clarke, director of the Royal United Services Institute think tank, saw an advanced copy of the Green Paper.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "The analysis behind this is not explicitly talking about the money because that is something a future government will have to determine, but the implicit idea is that we have got to do more with less."

The last strategic defence review was completed in 1998, a year after Labour came to power.

Defence spending is due to increase this year and next, but military experts say the Ministry of Defence's budget could fall by between 10% and 15% in real terms over the next six years if its current and capital expenditure is reduced in line with forecasts for the rest of government. HAVE YOUR SAY Given that we are no longer a world power, our defence policy should be exactly that - "defence" - plus a capability for responding to disasters Eleanor, Glasgow

The Tories say the timing of the Green Paper is politically motivated and the government has consistently under-funded the armed forces since 1997.

Mr Fox questioned how much Britain could afford to rely on European allies such as France.

"For us there are two tests: Do they invest in defence? And do they fight? Sadly, too few European allies pass both these tests," he said.

The Lib Dems say the defence review must include the future of Trident, whose renewal was backed by MPs in 2007.

The party says the UK can no longer afford the estimated £20bn replacement cost and believes more cost-effective alternatives must be considered.

Defence spokesman Nick Harvey said: "Surely the manner, the scale and the timing of any replacement of the Trident deterrent has profound opportunity cost implications for the entirety of the rest of the defence budget," he said.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2010/02/03 17:38:05 GMT


Do some research if you take your kids to a Dr Spicer.

'Abhorrent sexual deviant' GP allowed to work on after downloading child-sex stories

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 1:24 AM on 04th February 2010

A family doctor described as a 'deviant' for downloading child-sex stories has escaped being struck off.

Dr Nicholas Spicer, 55, read the paedophile fantasies on his home computer between 2003 and 2007 while working with children as a GP.

He was hauled before a General Medical Council disciplinary hearing, where he was described as 'a sexual deviant with an interest in children'.

Dr Nicholas Spicer was cleared by a General Medical Council disciplinary hearing after downloading child-sex stories
But he was cleared of misconduct and banned from practising for just six months 'on grounds of health'.

He was removed from NHS Herefordshire's list of GPs but is free to return to work in another area of the country from as early as July.

Spicer, who worked at the Nunwell surgery in Bromyard, Herefordshire, has also evaded criminal charges because the stories are legally available on the internet.

Child safety groups and even Spicer's wife yesterday condemned the GMC's decision not to strike him off the medical register.

Spicer's disgusted wife Patricia has started divorce proceedings.

She said: 'People and professionals that I have spoken to are mystified about the decision.

'The GMC's mission statement is "protecting doctors, protecting people", but they are not living up to it.'

Spicer is unrepentant and claims his behaviour was down to a medical condition.

He said: 'I have never been accused of being a paedophile, but it is obvious that people might wonder.

'I was examined by seven experts in the field of child-sex offences and six out of seven concluded that I'm not a paedophile.

'They concluded that I was suffering from a mild, well-capsulated medical condition, exacerbated by domestic problems.'

Michael May, spokesman for sexual abuse charity Survivors UK, said: 'I'm appalled by the actions of the GP and the response of the GMC.

'I find it extremely concerning that an educated professional, with intimate access to the most vulnerable members of our community, has been able to exploit a shameful loophole in the law.'

At the hearing, Jason Macadam, solicitor for the GMC, branded Spicer 'a sexual deviant' and said the material was 'abhorrent and repugnant'.

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Didn't the "experts" who examined him think that as a Doctor and educated man he would know the answers they wanted to the qustions asked?

He should be on the sex register and lose his job, and he definitely shouldn't be allowed to treat children.

So now anyone who is caught can quote they had "medical and domestic problems" and escape sentencing. Begars belief.

- Caroline expat, Salobrena, Spain, 04/2/2010 08:41

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The obvious question is why? Hopefully people will remember this sick individual by name and he won't be able to work again. Too many people use the 'I was ill' excuse, I fail to understand how an illness could give you paedophilic tendencies?

- sue, salisbury, 04/2/2010 07:56

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Unpalatable though this might be, he has actually done nothing illegal. Unlike downloaded images, nobody was injured in the writing or reading of a story.

- lou lou, bristol, 04/2/2010 07:51

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tell me the difference betwin the chinese child in chain and this idiot and social service...

- tony, rome, 04/2/2010 07:36

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Unbelievable, the GMC should be disbanded

- martin, Reading, 04/2/2010 07:09

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The GMC are pathetic, only half their slogan works - 'protecting Doctors.......................'

- Les, Pattaya Thailand, 04/2/2010 03:33

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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

If this has any truth in it.
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