Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Offend the State and pay the price, hurt someone and...

The average fine handed to a robber is less than the average parking ticket. It is easy to feel angry about this especially if you have ever been a bit late moving your car or parked with a wheel a few inches over a line.

It really does appear that 'crimes' against the State's rules and regulations are dealt with far more strictly than crimes against the person. We are therefore left between a rock and a hard place with uniformed officials who are very strict when enforcing what are actually very minor bye laws and criminals who in practical terms have very little to fear from the State themselves.

Twice now I have looked in a moment of need towards a man in a white shirt and peaked cap thinking a Constable was at hand to help, only to realise that I was in fact in the presence of somone whose only interest was litter or parking tickets. Ok in the case of the Council 'community protection officer' had I been reporting someone for drinking alcohol in public instead of Actual Bodily Harm he would have leapt into action. Far more people are employed to patrol our city centres looking for litter bugs and inconsiderate motorists than there are police constables looking for thieves and thugs. The peace can be breached and it's acceptable for the police to have to react afterwards with loud sirens and flashing lights whilst the council employ ticket wardens who have the luxury of being able to stand looking at their watches, waiting for a contravention to occur.

I work within the Criminal Justice System albeit it on the edge of it. I see nasty people found guilty of nasty things walking away with a attitude of defiance or indifference whilst on Council tax defaulters day I see other people trembling as they walk into the courthouse. Recently I saw a drug dealer laughing at the Bench when they told him he would pay his £100 at a rate of £5 per week DIRECT FROM HIS BENEFITS. To be honest the Magistrates looked relieved when he left court, they appear to prefer people who shake with fear or show due deferrance in some other accepted way-our drug dealing chap clearly was not in the least bit afraid of them and they knew it.

Something is very wrong and now is the time for us to do something about it.


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