Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Accepting a Police Caution

Lad comes into station to 'accept' a Caution for obstructing a PC.

CPS originally charge him but the Courts request that they Caution instead.

Lad complains bitterly that he is left waiting a few minutes.

PC arrives and hands paperwork under glass in front counter to annoyed lad for his signature. Lad signs and walks away with barely a word spoken between him and PC.

And here was me thinking that a Caution was a serious matter given to people who were left in no doubt that it was their last chance to behave in future. Well it appears it is far from being that.

The Teddy Bear Hospital

"Where clincal gets cuddly"

My son's school is going to have The Teddy Bears Hospital visit them soon. According to the letter it's a chance for my child to take his 'ill' teddy into school and with the help of some medical students learn that visits to the Dr's doesn't have to frightening.

Well I don't know about other peoples children but mine have had the benefit of having parental support whilst visiting the drs surgery so no need for strangers to use a teddy bear to talk about 'awareness of their bodies' then surely?

Apparantly all the students have had CRB checks-why's that then? Are they saying that under different conditions this sort of activity might be attractive to child abusers?

I am not so sure that teaching five year olds to talk to strangers about 'body awareness' is such a healthy idea.

Am I overreacting due to normal parental protective instincts or is it just ever so slightly pointless and perhaps even an unecessary risk as far as child safety goes?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

English Defence League smear campaign?

The BBC blame the non-muslim protesters, the government blame the non-muslim protesters and yet the video footage shows only muslim men being violent.

According to the BBC's article it was the muslim men who chased the protesters away and then turned on the police, not the non-muslim protesters which makes the EDL's protest sound peaceful.

So what did go on really beyond the headline and apparent bias in the Beeb's story?

Make your own mind up by reading the original article here;

Were you there? If so please get in touch.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Should private citizens be allowed some privacy?

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