Saturday, July 04, 2009

A message from NO2ID

Dear Supporter,

We'd be grateful if you could forward this to your supporters as soon as


On Wednesday 8th July 2009, the House of Commons will vote on a group of
three ID-related Statutory Instruments* including one called 'The Identity
Cards Act 2006 (Provision of Information without Consent) Regulations 2009'.
The other two establish fees and penalties that can be applied to anyone
registered on the ID database.

We need you to write to your MP *NOW* to get them to vote against these key
pieces of secondary legislation.

The 'Provision of Information without Consent' regulation would give powers
to the Identity and Passport Service to pass on information it holds on you
to a host of other agencies WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. This
information would include not only official document numbers, and personal
details like your name, addresses and signature (more than enough to
facilitate massive identity fraud) but also your fingerprints and even - to
the police, intelligence services, taxman and ANYONE ELSE THEY AUTHORISE -
details of every time you had had your ID checked, e.g to register with a
GP, open a bank account or apply for credit, or travel abroad. Your medical
and financial dealings conveniently tagged and indexed for further snooping.

Records of what information has been given to whom and why may be destroyed
after 12 months or less. They would track you for life, but prefer to leave
no trail of their activities.

Contrary to some recent media reports, the ID scheme is still very much
alive. From 2011 onwards you will still be forced to register on the ID
database when you apply for or renew your passport. Some, including young
people and those living in the North West of England, may be duped or
bullied into registering for a card from later this year - and once you are
on the database, there is no way off. The fees, penalties and
data-trafficking established by these regulations would apply to you for

Blocking these three Statutory Instruments would not only stall the Scheme,
it provides an opportunity for ID opponents to show how committed they are
to killing it off completely. It is important that as many MPs of all
parties as possible vote against them on Wenesday 8th July.

There is very little time, so we need you to contact your MP straight
away -http://www.WriteToThem.commakes it
very easy - to tell him or her that you deeply object to having
your personal information shared without your
knowledge or consent, and ask him or her to vote against 'The Identity Cards
Act 2006 (Provision of Information without Consent) Regulations 2009' and
the other two ID-related Statutory Instruments (see below for details) on
Wednesday 8th July.

And don't forget to TELL OTHERS - link to our Facebook group
e-mail your friends, but don't delay.


*Statutory Instruments (SIs) are pieces of legislation which allow the
provisions of an Act of Parliament (e.g. Ministerial powers) to be brought
into force or altered without Parliament having to pass a new Act. They are
also sometimes referred to as secondary legislation or regulations. The
three with which we are most immediately concerned are:

The Identity Cards Act 2006 (Fees) Regulations 2009

The Identity Cards Act 2006 (Information and Code of Practice on Penalties)
Order 2009

The Identity Cards Act 2006 (Provision of Information without Consent)
Regulations 2009

Thank you,

Phil Booth
National Coordinator, NO2ID


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