Thursday, June 11, 2009

What purpose?

John spends the evening at a friends house. They spend some time playing about in some Bruce Lee type tomfoolery.

On his way home he is stopped and searched by the police and guess what they strike gold when they find a pair of rice flails or nunchucks. Of course the lad is arrested on the spot under S1 of the Prevention of CRIME Act 1953 which makes it an offence to have with you in a public place any weapon DESIGNED, INTENDED or ADAPTED to cause injury.

Seems like a closed case especially as such items are clearly made to cause injury and he was definately in a public place.

But wait, John claims to be innocent. He claims that because the nunchucks are made of FOAM RUBBER they are not designed to cause injury.

It went all the way to court, the police and even the CPS thought they had good chance of securing a conviction. But why did any of them think it served any purpose to even investigate the matter?

Have we a situation here where the State through the Police and CPS are so stupid that they don't understand the Prevention of Crime Act? Or is it that they are so desperate to secure convictions for whatever reason

The Magistrates threw the case out but should we really have wasted the Courts time on this matter?


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