Saturday, October 06, 2007

Good Neighbours do exist

I was talking to a neighbour who lives on the next street last week. He told me the following that which helped restore my faith in human nature and I thought I ought to share it here.

"A couple of years ago at during the small hours our burglar alarm sounded. It was thankfully a false alarm triggered by a power failure. I had to find my torch and head downstairs to poke about in the meter cupboard in the hallway. So there I was in my boxer shorts fumbling around with my torch just inside the front door at 2am when the next thing I hear is a knock on the door!

I looked up in disbelief and answered the door genuinely wanting to know who on earth was at our door. I opened the door and the person knocking asked me if everything was alright? I just stood there with my mouth open. The man explained how he had heard the alarm and seen my torch light moving about and he thought he best knock to make sure I was not a burglar!"

I just wish I knew who this person was, he sounds like a good sort.



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