Sunday, July 09, 2006

Do we have the right to Self Defence or not?

Do we have the right to self defence in Great Britain or not?

Depending on who you are and what your personal experiences are you
will no doubt have an answer that addresses what should be a simple
question. Is the answer to such a question ever going to be that
simple though?

Okay I accept and would be the first to say that self defence starts
long before an actual confrontation or assault and most trouble can
be avoided without resorting to physical means. But it's not those
sorts of things that worry most people. Thankfully most people can
live a whole lifetime in this Country without ever experiencing
physical violence at the hands of a criminal, but there are still
plenty of people who WILL still have those sorts of experiences at
some point in the future.

Who is most likely to be the victim of a violent crime and how many
people know beforehand that they will suffer an assault before
stepping out of their homes?

The Home Office suggests that we should 'instantly arm' ourselves
with keys, hairspray and other things that we might carry on an
everyday basis and that we should prepare by thinking about what we
might do if ever faced with a violent criminal. But they warn you
against carrying anything made or designed to be a weapon.

Is that an example of the establishment recognising your right to
self defence or denying it?


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